How do OUR cooling towers help combat Legionnaires?

How do OUR cooling towers help combat Legionnaires?

How do OUR cooling towers help combat Legionnaires?

How do counterflow induced draft cooling towers combat legionnaires?

Counterflow induced draft cooling towers are designed with features that can help combat the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria. While they are not inherently immune to Legionella, proper design, operation, and maintenance can significantly reduce the risk of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks. Our round circular basin does not allow any water to stagnate, 100% of the water in basin is continually moving and being distributed throughout process.

Here's how counterflow induced draft cooling towers can help combat Legionella:

-Water Distribution: Counterflow, induced draft cooling towers distribute water in a way that minimizes the risk of water splashing or creating aerosols that could carry Legionella bacteria. The water falls vertically downward while air is drawn upward through the tower. This design reduces the potential for water droplets containing bacteria to be released into the surrounding environment

-Airflow Direction: The upward airflow in counterflow cooling towers also helps prevent the escape of water droplets or mist into the atmosphere, which could potentially carry Legionella. The air movement is away from the areas where people might be exposed, reducing the risk of airborne transmission.

-Temperature Control: Counterflow cooling towers can be designed to operate with water temperatures that are less conducive to Legionella growth. By maintaining the water temperature outside the optimal range for Legionella proliferation (usually below 20°C or above 60°C), the growth of the bacteria can be inhibited.

-Water Treatment: Implementing effective water treatment measures is crucial. Counterflow cooling towers can be treated with appropriate biocides, corrosion inhibitors, and other chemicals to control microbial growth. Regular monitoring and adjustment of chemical concentrations can help keep Legionella and other microorganisms in check.

-Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Routine cleaning and maintenance of counterflow cooling towers are essential to prevent the buildup of biofilm and other deposits that can harbor Legionella bacteria. Regular inspections should be conducted to identify and address any issues that could promote bacterial growth.

-Drift Eliminators: Drift eliminators in cooling towers help capture water droplets and prevent them from being carried out with the exhaust air. This reduces the potential for waterborne bacteria, including Legionella, to escape into the environment.

-Water Source Management: The quality of the water source used in the cooling tower is critical. Ensuring that the water is treated to appropriate standards before being introduced into the cooling system can reduce the risk of Legionella introduction.

-Risk Assessment and Management: Conducting a risk assessment specific to the design and operation of the counterflow cooling tower can help identify potential vulnerabilities and implement strategies to mitigate them. This could involve evaluating the potential for Legionella growth, transmission, and exposure in the specific system.

-Operator Training: Proper training of cooling tower operators is essential to ensure that the tower is operated and maintained in a way that minimizes the risk of Legionella growth. Operators should be familiar with best practices for water treatment, cleaning, maintenance, and overall tower management.

***It's important to note: While counterflow induced draft cooling towers have design features that can help reduce the risk of Legionella transmission, they are not guaranteed to be Legionella-free. Effective management practices and ongoing monitoring are critical to maintaining a safe and healthy environment and preventing Legionnaires' disease outbreaks. For more information, please contact us today at 800-752-1905 or by email at

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  • Joe Coates